Back to 1989 for my favourite prop! #cinetv


Good Morning friends; today, the topic is about favourite movie props. I guess I was reading this also as 'iconic'. In truth, there are 100s which could easily come to mind. Some ruby slippers? An umbrella that flies through the sky. A personified soccerball, or the one I nearly took, the Riddler's cane!

But, in the end, I couldn't help myself, and let the nostalgia guide my choice. It had to be Marty McFly's hoverboard!


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Do you remember watching the Back to the Future for the firs time? Ah, I loved when Marty ends up in his parents' teenage period and has to engage with them. It was so novel, you couldn't help but smile. And part of that was this envy - we all wanted a hoverboard. They looked so fun, and made Marty so much cooler.

Being a young kid, I assumed you could just pick up one of these toys anywhere, and was gravely disappointed not to get one for my birthdays or Christmas! The outrage! But I still thought they were cool, and, re-living the moment, it turns out, I still do, and still want one ;)

Here's a clip to re-live that famous hover board chase:

Re-live the chase scene here:

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