"Fair Game" by Doug Liman - movie review

"Everyone are lying. "I decided not to be guided by this House's maxim. As a very ordinary person who watch movies from time to time, I decided to check out how the director of "The Bourne Identity" and "Mister and Mrs. Smith" recreates a personal, true story of our time. I do not like pre-exploration of stories - I'm guided by personal impressions when "taking down an anamnesis". I admit it - the seductive lure in this case was the acting duet! I love Sean Penn, I admire his work with Naomi Watts in "21 grams" - is, how do I not be tempted to spend a few hours with them ?! The feeling after the end of the movie - um, this is a much more complicated question ... Strangely - I'm not sorry though I'm sorry. It's controversial, isn't it?


It was from the beginning. The misunderstanding, George Bush Jr., explains terrorist threats against "Gorillaz" - a promising wink for me. We get to know the main characters - the Valerie Playmate and Joe Wilson. She is a CIA agent, he - a former US ambassador. Using his expert opinion of importing enriched uranium from Africa into Iraq, the White House ignores the findings and continues to hold on to the theory that Saddam prepares atomic weapons. That is why it is important for the United States to strike first to "protect peace". Like every normal person who can think with his head in our quaint 21st century, I always thought this explanation was over-ridiculous! So, with relief, I followed the development of events, the film engaging me more and more, despite my inherent skepticism. A secret action in Baghdad, gathering information, working with embedded agents somehow inconspicuously intertwine with the seemingly normal family routine. Valerie and Joe are part of a friendly circle (no one even suspects that they eat at a table with a spy!), Care for twins in their infancy, trying to have a normal life. When social tensions escalate and the presidential power takes the decisive step, the former ambassador - quite impulsively and completely conscious - can not remain impartial. After his exposing article, the White House kicks off "under the cross" with revealing the identity of Valerie. This leads to a terrible family upheaval, the copulation of dozens of international ties and its long-standing operational experience at the CIA.

The filmmakers defend the thesis that this is a personal story through the prism of political events from our past past. Family catharsis, mutual accusations, impossible decisions, and extraordinary sacrifices imposed on the protagonists should remain the focus of attention - both viewers and the director. Maybe I exaggerate, but I did not feel the story. I'm not saying there is no position, but the anti-Bush accents could be even more colorful and painful. I do not say that the film suffers from conformism, but an honest moment has made me jump out of anger in the chair - ex-ambassador Joe Wilson transmits revelations to a group of people in search of the truth, and as the most important accent points out everyone's voices citizen in "the country of unlimited possibilities". And the duty of every American to fight for the sake of democracy! Is it precisely these average millions who have been able to choose and re-choose the "bush" duckling at the head of the "greatest" democracy ?! Well, right now, the movie lost me ...


BUT This does not mean it will overtake the acting of Naomi Watts and especially the unique Sean Penn! The young lady has an enviable talent to master a variety of style challenges. The vision and attitude of a "mini-iron lady" did not stand as an artificially cut suit, on the contrary - she skillfully handled her ability to perform all the roles of her heroine, not to lose concentration and sense of time, place and surroundings, and to prove as a true fighter (almost every strong woman does the same every day, on different life fronts). A worthy partner of a male girl is the sensuous and indolent hero of Sean Penn, who is willing to sacrifice his time in the name of the children, as well as the fate of his family for the sake of truth. He does not deserve a more ordinary woman, she does not deserve a more ordinary man. A kitchen quarrel between them, brought about by a very serious occasion, managed to tear me - the arguments made in a loud voice were unconditional love in the purest form. Accurate, refreshed, passionate, measured, flawless, and brilliant - that's Sean Penn. One of the curious details about the film is the fact that Doug Laiman offers the screenplay first to Naomi Watts and she gives the idea to attract Sean Penn to the project. During the preparations, the two actors get acquainted with the real prototypes of their characters, and Joe Wilson himself shares his astonishment of how Sean Penn literally manages to break into it for a week! Although I was unable to draw any conclusions, my feeling of "Fair Game" is like a Sunday walk in the park in November - you are willing to enjoy the good weather, and they catch a small rain that does not even get wet , but it's tedious enough to spoil your mood ...

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