Gaza's Grief on the First Day of Fasting

Gaza's Grief on the First Day of Fasting

"Like Ramadan last year, nothing has changed in Gaza. The majority of Gaza's economic conditions are in the most difficult conditions. Ramadan comes and hundreds of thousands of families are still living below the poverty line. There's nothing to eat for breaking the fast, "Mohammed Matter wrote in his social media account. Matter is a humanitarian activist living in Gaza, Palestine.

Not to mention the outages of the lights. In fact, electricity for Gaza is only available no more than 5 hours a day. When is the flow lit up? No one ever knows. Because the main flow of electricity coming from generators owned by Israel, flowed directly from Israel.

When the Maghrib call to prayer from the minarets, it was so dark without electricity. Only emergency lights are illuminated from the genset or battery flow.

Ramadan in Gaza is full of sorrow. No food is plentiful, no colorful tasty food, no security can guarantee. Even the grief is getting over the peak day of Nakba Day, May 15 yesterday.

Today, Ramadan in Indonesia is fine, but Ramadan in Gaza, in Al Quds, in the West Bank mourns with grief.

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