And God Wept in Sorrow


The moral compass of the church needs a modernization.
I know I am not a shepard who god speaks through, but I'll give my heart a soapbox for a minute of your time.

Let's start with a couple of additional rules I think need a bit of serious consideration and to me, just makes perfect sense:

Thou shall save souls, not destroy them.
Thou shall not be evil.
Thou shall always be righteous and caring for all humans, not just thya flock.
Thou shall not commit crimes against humanity.
Thou shall not enable criminals.
Thou shall not target children.
Thou shall not abuse children.
Thou shall not protect pedophiles.
Thou shall pay fair taxes.
Thou shall ignore the statute of limitations and pay restitution to anyone harmed by the church.

Pope Francis needs to resign immediately.
He's had years of prior knowledge of sexual abuse against children, from some of his highest trusted bishops and has only swept this abusive knowledge under the rug up to this point.

The Vatican needs oversight, it can no longer hide under it's protections of the Holy See and sovernity which let's it remain unaccountable to any country in which it does business.
And a business is exactly what it is.

On second thought, the church has had many lifetimes to repent and save humanity, and all it has done up to this point is do anything except feed the starving people of the world. Which it could have saved hundreds of times over.
But did not.

Throughout the middle ages they tortured and abused anyone not accepting their rule.
It's how the church incorporated soltice celebrations and traditions from the Easter Bunny all the way to St. Nicolas and Christ-mass celebrations.
The crusades were their war on humans and it proves to this day exactly why we decided to break free from the dark ages.

My advice to any empathetic and caring humans still remaining in support of the catholic church; take your tithes and stop donating them to the settlements for clergy sexual abuse victims, and instead vote with your head and your heart and help save the homeless lady with the young child with a nice warm meal or some comfortable clean clothes this winter instead.

The alternative is to remain an enabler yourself, and let all humanity cease to exsist in your cold heartless veins.

And if you recognize my tact, it definitely is guilt, as you should be well aware of. I have no cure for yours, and the church refused to accept their own as well.
This needs to end.

This organized religious crime family disguised as a church, ends for me starting today.

You've got to ask yourself....
What Would Jesus Do?

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