Decentralized Applications: Chromia As an Emerging Dapps Platform

What is a Dapp?

A decentralized application (DApp, dApp, Dapp, or dapp) is a computer application that runs on a distributed computing system. DApps have been popularized by distributed ledger technologies (DLT) such as the Ethereum Blockchain, where DApps are often referred to as smart contracts. DApps may run on top of distributed computing systems such as Chromia or Bitcoin. Decentralized applications are stored on and executed by a blockchain system.Before we can even fathom what Dapps do, we need to be familiar with its underlying technology — the blockchain. In a nutshell, a blockchain is a ledger of records organized in ‘blocks’ that are linked together by cryptographic validation. It is a digital storage of consensus truth. The key is to understand that this ledger is neither stored in a centralized location nor managed by any single entity, hence its distributed-ness. The block validation system results in new transactions being added irreversibly and old transactions preserved forever for all to see, hence its transparency and resilience. Open-source software that leverage on the blockchain technology are called Dapps.

Common Features of Dapps

  1. Open Source: The code base should always be readily available for scrutiny; decision should be by consensus.

  2. Decentralized: records should be made public and avoid all forms of centralization at every cost

  3. Incentivized: network validators should be incentivized for their effort.

  4. Protocol. The application community must agree on a cryptographic algorithm to show proof of value. For example, Bitcoin uses Proof of Work (PoW) and Ethereum is currently using PoW with plans for a hybrid PoW/Proof of Stake (PoS)5 in the future.

The Role of Chromia

Chromia aims to be the decentralized database component of decentralized applications. A combination of a decentralized database and code, which is run on end-user devices (e.g. mobile or browser app), will typically comprise the entire decentralized application. Chromia will include optional governance mechanisms which will allow users to control various aspects of dapp functionality. For example, code upgrades.

Current Dapps Built on Chromia

GreenAssetsWallet: Green Assets Wallet is a platform built in collaboration with many different entities in an international effort to quantify and track sustainability measures on the global stage! Learn more about #GAW through this link
  1. Minesofdalarnia: Enter the Mines of Dalarnia, a blockchain web game that shows what can be built with the Chromia platform.

  2. CapChap: is a blockchain based share registry we’re making with LegalWorks AB. CapChap enables you to manage and monitor your companies and holdings with trust, transparency and simplicity.

🔗 Check out the CapChap website at

  1. Chainofalliance : Interesting article by chromia community member @Britva_2018 about “Chain of Alliance” that will run on the Chromia blockchain ,


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