A Sacrifice For Christmas

Picture of my Dad January 1952 in Korea
Korean War Conflict.
Dedicated to Arlindo F. Dias Jr. “Sonny” American Patriot, Korean War Vet and all the American veterans and military serving worldwide. And please don’t forget our Merchant Marines

A Sacrifice for Christmas
By Butch Dias 12/25/2018

This year for Christmas I want to remember all those who are in the military and not forget our Merchant Marines.  Their duty takes them all over the world away from their families, especially during Christmas. Freedom isn’t free. Many lives are lost fighting for America and for what she stands for. As we sit down to great Christmas meal and presents, let us remember the sacrifice of these brave men and women. If you have served in the military and you are reading this, I take this time to thank you personally for you sacrifice for our freedom. Please enjoy this Christmas tribute to our troops. I dedicate this Christmas letter to my dad, Arlindo “Sonny” Dias Jr., Korean War Vet and American Patriot. My heart and prayers go out this Christmas to all our military serving for our freedom around the world. Thank you American Patriots.![12063635_1488653408105616_8671970458153102255_n.jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmWAMETDNVyFxWjLN7o7WD8TtBBDgPMi49wo3nv18XAtDL/12063635_1488653408105616_8671970458153102255_n.jpg)

I have known this feeling of sacrifice personally. As a Merchant Marine Officer for 17 years I had to leave my wife & kids for months at a time. I missed many holidays away from my family. It was always a heart breaking and a tear jerking time. I would walk up the endless gangway (ladder) of the ship with tears rolling down my face. It hurt and I would remember my oldest son try to get in my sea bag. He would say ‘daddy good guy.” It would tear my heart. I would always pray that my kids would never forget me. That was my only fear.

Serving in the military is a big sacrifice. Many lives are broken, torn apart, and stressed during the holiday season. Let’s look at the Christmas story in the book of Luke 2:1-20. Mary, who was pregnant, traveled with Joseph to take the census in Bethlehem. What a sacrifice she made to travel in that condition, probably on donkey.  Then to give birth to a son, no hospital, no doctors, no comfortable hotel, but had to wrap up the baby in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger. Lot of sacrifice here.  Then to know this child when he became a man would be the ultimate sacrifice of all. He would pay the price for our sins on the cross. The real meaning of Christmas is the ultimate sacrifice from a God in heaven. He saw the mess the world was in, so he sent us a solution. His only begotten son as a sacrifice for our sins. Jesus Christ and the American military are the only ones that put their lives on the line for us. “Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13 KJV.  This is giving. Sometimes giving is a sacrifice. 

Our military families sacrifice their lives daily at home and abroad. They are not guaranteed to that they will ever make it home. They serve with all their heart for the greatest country in the world and the greatest people in the world, America and Americans. I have spent many Christmas’ alone on a ship in different parts of the world. It is not the same as being home with family, but my shipmates were family. We always made the best of things where ever we were. 

The best part of leaving is coming home to family. To loved ones who love you and miss you and appreciate you. Coming home was always a joy when I came home from the ship. Every time was Christmas. The best part of Christmas is sharing the love of God, the Christmas story, the Christmas carols, and sharing your love with loved ones. 

This Christmas let us take time to remember those in our military that are serving us and our country. Let us remember their sacrifice and the sacrifice of their families. Let us share the good news of the live changing gospel that is the real reason for Christmas. Reach out today. The reason we can have peace, joy, and rest this Christmas is because 1.) God loves us, 2.) He died and paid the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. 3.) our great military sacrificing their lives and keeping us safe from all harm.  Tell them you care and tell them, Merry Christmas.

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 KJV.

Dedicated to Arlindo F. Dias Jr. “Sonny” American Patriot, Korean War Vet, Dad, Husband, & Friend and our military worldwide.

Away from Home for Christmas
© Butch Dias 12/25/2018
Dedicated to our military far and near.

As I say good bye,
A tear ran down my eye.
Leaving for a military tour,
Because freedom is the cure.

My family is my life,
And leaving causes strife.
But to make the world bright,
A soldier must go and fight.

Christmas is in the air,
With my family I want to share.
I may never ever come home,
And don’t want them to be alone.

Please pray for my family,
My heart is broken internally.
It is so hard to go,
Only my tears will show.

For now, I must be a knight,
For America is the light.
For today I must serve,
To be the best Americans deserve.

Looking for a great Christmas gift to give to a military veteran? Please see below.


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