「EN/JP」 Christmas gift challenge ~ クリスマス・ギフトチャレンジ

I was nominated by @hidemi for the Christmas gift challenge and of course I'm accepting the challenge. Thanks @hidemi for the nomination.

皆さん、こんにちは。@hidemiさんから「クリスマスギフトチャレンジ」にノミネートされました。hidemi さん、ありがとうございます。投稿が大変遅くなってごめんなさい。

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I got a Nespresso coffee machine from my husband as a Christmas gift. I'm a coffee lover and have a habit of drinking coffee two or three cups a day.


I used to buy ground coffee and brew up with a plunger at home. But I had to boil the water, put coffee in a plunger, pour the hot water, stir to mix the grounds, replace the lid to allow the coffee to steep for a few minutes and finally ready to drink!

I'm quite busy every morning as I'm a mum of three kids and have to go to work just after I drop them off at school. I always wondered that the Nespresso coffee machine could make my busy morning less busier.



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Our kids had got grower, all of my family members became coffee lovers now. My husband bought it for not only me but everyone in the family. That was a surprise gift!


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The coffee machine comes with an automatic milk frother that is pretty easy to use. In 90 seconds, the milk will be ready to go.

I prefer steamed fluffy milk rather than cold one just being dumped into hot coffee. We can froth any type of milk we like; e.g. full, skim, almond, soy.

I love café latte best. Whenever I stop at café, I order latte. I'm sure that lattes are the most popular drink at coffee shops in Australia.




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It's mid-summer down under now. The Australia Open is being held in Melbourne. It's been so hot, the temperature will reach 38 degrees on Thursday.
I will beat the intense heat when drinking iced coffee over the summer!

メルボルンでは現在、全豪オープン(テニス) が行われていますが、気温が38℃になるとテニスコートの表面温度が65℃になるそうです。選手達は猛暑の中、プレーするのは大変なことだと思います。


I nominate two other Steemians for this challenge. I'm choosing @bbxb1a4 and @angoujkalis. Have fun guys! :)
Thank you for reading.

次のバトンは@bbxb1a4 さんと@angoujkalis さんにお願いしたいと思います。クリスマスにもらったギフトだけでなく、お中元やお歳暮、お正月のお土産、誕生日プレゼント、または自分が誰かに贈ったギフトでも構わないようです。




The Rules

  • Post at least one cool gift you got last year.
  • Nominate 2 people for the challenge. If you are a social outcast (sad!) with no friends to invite you just join the fun and post. You can even buy yourself something and pretend it's a gift you got for Christmas by your imaginary friends !
  • Use the tag #christmasgiftchallenge as one of your five main tags.


  • 2018年にあなたがもらった素敵なギフトを最低ひとつは紹介してください。
  • 2人のSteemianをこのチャレンジへノミネートしてください。もしバトンを渡す人を思いつかない場合は投稿だけでも構いません。また自分自身のために買ったギフト、または架空の友人からギフトをもらうという想像をして記事を書いても構いません。
  • #christmasgiftchallengeを5つのタグのうちの最初に使ってください。

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