"What's the Coolest Gift You Got for Christmas" Challenge

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Thanks to the sweet @Agmoore for tagging me in for @Trumpman's What's The Coolest Gift You Got For Christmas Challenge! It's an easy challenge and anyone who wants to join in can. No need to wait to be tagged!

One of my coworkers has many friends who love to cook so she sewed up a bunch of bowl cozies for each of us. I love handmade gifts and was touched that she thought to make one for me as well! This looks much better on the table than the kitchen towels and place mats that I usually place beneath dishes.

My children and I often play Magic: The Gathering together. (Translation: They laugh their asses off when I lose to them.) This year, they surprised me with a black/white deck that they made from their card collection!

This is an extra special gift because not only did my daughters give me cards that they could have kept for themselves, but they spent an entire afternoon making it for me! (They had given me express orders that I was NOT to enter their room.😂) My eldest daughter contributed the black cards and her sister pitched in the white ones.

They were extremely excited for me to open my gift on Christmas morning. So eager, in fact, that my youngest gave away what it was while I was trying to unwrap it! She hopped onto the couch and said that I should add more flying creatures.

My girls know that I tend to load up my decks with spells and included a pretty nifty mix of direct damage, healing, instants and creature enchantments.

We've played several MTG games since Christmas and I've yet to use another deck. I've only won a couple of times but the look on their faces when I use their gift is worth the defeat. (My youngest was right, I need more flyers.)

The Rules

  • Post at least one cool gift you got this year
  • Nominate 2 people for the challenge
  • Don't wait to be tagged in to join the fun. Grab your cool gift (or give yourself one that you've been wanting) and post!
  • Use the tag #christmasgiftchallenge as one of your five main tags

I nominate: @wonderwop & @saffisara and anyone else who wants to join in!

Title image via pixabay. All other images are my own.

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Squirrel World GIF by @Omra-sky. Thank you!

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