"What's the Coolest Gift You Got for Christmas" Challenge

I came across a post by @ruth-girl that invited us to describe our favorite Christmas presents. This is not a post I would ordinarily write, because I don't think anyone besides my family cares what I got. They're the only ones who gave me presents. But in the spirit of cooperation, here I go--


My Christmas gifts are always wonderful, but this year especially.

I got an art kit, which included an easel. I have no talent, but love to create digital art, so my son encourages me to branch out. Here's a picture of the kit he gave me.

artist kit for ruth.jpg

My daughter knows I don't really want anything she could buy me, so she didn't buy much. Instead she spent hours organizing pictures from her trip to Europe (with my granddaughter) and made an album out of it. Here's a picture of the album.

album pic for ruth.jpg

My husband knows also, there's not much in the way of presents that I need. What to do with a such a person? He always finds a way. So this year, among other things, I got fuzzy socks and a book about my childhood community.

Here are pictures of the socks and the book.

fuzzy socks for ruth.jpg

book for ruth.jpg

That's it. Presents any mother would love!

I nominate @momzillanc and @brisby to share their Christmas gifts.

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

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