A Dark Christmas #SteemitFam #Universe #Family #Friends #SuicideAttempts #Love #Rebirth #SerpentOfKnowledge

Christmas comes with so much promise of festivity and fun, but pressure to perform in front of family (for many of us) can almost break us.

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Behind the mask...


The wings are gone.

Life is full of people who are kind and giving, but sometimes if we conform to fitting in and 'doing the right thing', our wings are gone.


Al's gorgeous family, love them to bits.


Next year I shall be in Paris at Christmas ~ a long way from my own toxic family, where negative energy is the only dish of the day and alpha dysfunction a solitary gift.


Was selfless again this year and did the right thing for some beautiful people ~ catering for my husband's family, for which he was grateful.


Goofy kiss from my man.

But I need to shine more light on my own darkness which was exacerbated by the shocking news of my son's best friend's attempted suicide on Christmas Day.

We love him so much. Thankfully he is in recovery.
He must see how much love is in abundance for him and how the universe can provide everything, he just needs to ASK and the flow will supply.


(The image of the serpent as the embodiment of the wisdom transmitted by Sophia was an emblem used by gnosticism, especially those sects that the more orthodox characterised as "Ophites" ~ "Serpent People").


~ Egyptian Goddess Maat, deity of justice, she rules fair dealings, honesty and truthfulness in social interactions. She embraces all aspects of existence, including the basic equilibrium of the universe and the cycle of the seasons.~

We reach out and provide so much sometimes, that we fall in to exhaustion and emptiness. He must see how much my son LOVES him too and refill the glass with healthy thoughts.

Such a gorgeous young man, so happy for his recovery, realisation and rebirth.


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St Nicholas doesn't need to parcel-up happiness & joyous family time at Christmas. We just need reminding of the love in sheer abundance that the universe provides, especially when in our loneliest and darkest moments.

There is ONLY ONE YOU and as you, YOU ARE PERFECT.



(Now I need to deal with an ailing mum who's poison knows no boundaries. Dear Universe...).

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