Unofficial Start to the Christmas Season

It's Friday night, the night before December, and it's snowing. Sounds like the perfect night for a fire and s'mores.


This sounds a lot like what we typically do for Christmas Eve, so we decided to take it even further and add another piece that has become a Christmas Eve tradition in our house:




That's right, we're watching Pee Wee's Christmas special. If you've never seen it, it's worth watching. It's a pretty good window into B-list pop culture in the late 1980's. Pee Wee was of course huge back then, so a Christmas special filled with celebrity cameos made perfect sense. Some of my favorite celebrity bits include Little Richard, Dinah Shore, and Grace Jones. They're all wonderfully weird in their own ways, which fits in perfectly with Pee Wee himself.

Of course, if you're not a fan of Pee Wee, this might be a bit hard to watch. I definitely could understand that some people might find him irritating. But for me, it's not really the Christmas season until I watch this with my kids. It's one of the rare things that everyone can agree on. It's currently available to stream on Netflix.

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