The truth story about Christmas

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Many people celebrate the holiday but do not know the story for which the joys and the happiness come at the end of each year so I wanted to talk in this article about what this day and about the story that made the world celebrate tonight

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Christmas is the second most important holiday of the Christian religion after Easter, and represents the birthplace of Christ Jesus son of Mary on the night of December 24 and December 25 in the Gregorian and Julian calendar. Although the Bible does not mention the history of the incident, the church men agreed on the night of December 24 As a unified history, the Gospel of Childhood was mentioned in Jacob in the third century as an event that took place in the middle of the night. It is also mentioned that, before Christianity, December 25 was a pagan holiday to honor the sun so that the Fathers identified the sun as the anniversary, New ", as it usually ends on January 6 after the cover S, a memorial to the baptism of Jesus.

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Christmas is accompanied by religious celebrations, special prayers and social and family celebrations, most notably the Christmas tree, the reception of Santa Claus and the Christmas dinner.
The story of Christ

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The story begins when Mary the Mother of Christ, Gabriel, was sent by God and told her that she would be carried with the power of the Holy Spirit by a child "who is great and the Son of God is called Jesus Christ, and His kingdom will have no end.

Matthew and Luke agree that the birth took place in Bethlehem, the city of the prophet David. According to the Gospel of Luke, her child was placed in a manger and his bread was plucked so that there was unanimity in the interpretations of the Fathers of the Church that the birth of Jesus in "poor" conditions was appropriate for the teaching of humility and as an example of transcendence. The Jew was waiting for the arrival of the "Messiah" as king and liberator of Roman power, and therefore he should have been in the form of a military commander or king in a palace, a sign that the King of Christ was a spiritual and non-earthly king. Where the story begins when an angel of heaven appeared to shepherds in the region preaching the birth of Christ, and appeared in the wake of the army recruited from the sky according to the biblical term, praising and thankful, the shepherds visited the place of birth and saw him with his mother and went informants of what was said to them by the owners, They are the first to celebrate Christmas according to tradition.

source : pexels

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