My Crime Author Interview - in Real Crime Magazine - 2018.

What got you interested in serial killers Chris?

I picked up a book on the Moors Murders case called Beyond Belief when I was 13 years old. I saw from the old black and white photograph of Ian Brady on the cover that he had a really dark other worldly energy. I had witnessed this kind of dark occult energy from the priests in my Vatican run orphanage as a child so it made me consider that dark occult practice was part of this case. My adoptive Aunt Kay was a nun so I lived part time at the convent and came to know the ways of the clergy which included trance and meditation to induce visions which she taught me. If you look into the eyes of that photo you can see he is a taxi for something that isn’t human. I had already encountered those creatures in the church at a young age. I wasn’t going to just carry on my life without exposing what I knew. I wrote to Brady with this in mind. When the press found out I was writing to Brady and had gone to meet him because I was a young blonde they made much of the fact I was an orphan who had come from the area and was searching for my father.

Tell us about your first book?
Searching for Daddy was a Sunday Times listed best seller – it has sold over 120,000 copies and was translated into Punjabi. Hodder who published it really took out the occult angle and focussed in on my orphaned childhood. I have never searched for my father. I updated the Hodder book with In for The Kill and another publisher. Stories ran in the Sunday Mirror (online) that Sienna Miller was to play me in the film version of SFD. Anna Campion whose sister directed The Piano took up the book and sent it to Miramax in Hollywood who felt it my life story (working for ex MI6 officer in private firms) was too much like Nikita so there was no movie of the book which is good because back then I didn’t know the truth.
Why did you visit serial killer number 2?
I first saw American serial killer Ken Bianchi on the TV in a documentary and was shocked by how he was so different; in court as Ken he is mild mannered and in the prison cell boasting about murder he is very angry and different. Chris Berry Dee and I had spoken about how his alter personality was fake. However, I had noted that Scottish serial killer, Ian Brady had about four different personalities so I was struck by their similarities. It made me pick up pen and get ‘serial killer number 2 for Clarice,’ as a friend said at the time. I came to know Ken for over three years. I visited him twice in Walla Walla Penitentiary in Washington State for 16 hours in all face to face and knee touching knee. His doctor – Dr Allison sent me the interviews of Steve (his medical files) and drawings he had done and Steve was real I have no doubt about that. Brady and Bianchi were both adopted – no doubt abused and yet that is no excuse to rape and kill. The key was their splits. Yet at time of publishing In for The Kill I had not found the answer.
Bianchi must have been scary - he killed 13 women - as a woman what was it like to sit close to him?
Ken went through his personas when I sat with him in the visiting room in America which has been cleared for the sex offenders. He looked healthy and was very upbeat. The room had twenty armed guards and they were very wary of him. He was muscular and struck fear. He threatened me in the first five minutes. He accused me of being friends with Dee and said he would take down anyone who wrote about him in ways he didn’t agree with …ie not being innocent. He said – ‘…. know what I mean I’ll take them down, Chris know what I’m talking about.’ I wasn’t scared, I had spent over a decade working for the News of the World and then The Daily Mail as an investigator so I had met hard men. However at one point he really looked like he did in the videos of him talking about how he tortured girls and I got the feeling as if I was looking at him calmly but something under the water – something non-human was coming towards me. I felt a really dark primal terror. I wanted to leave yet could not so just had to feel it flow through me. It wasn’t pleasant. I have come to know this is what David Icke talks about when he talks about reptilians. (I know that is difficult for most people to swallow and was for me for a long time.) Ken hugged me at the end of the last visit and he jolted some part of me that had been asleep and following some kind of script. He said – ‘what the hell are you doing here visiting a man like me, don’t you like nice things.’
Did you beleive his cries of innocence?
No. I called Ken’s killing side - The Docktor when I first met his fourth personality. This is because it reminded me of Brady’s ‘killing alter’ – both killers dark sides reminded me of Mengele. Both tortured in the same way Mengele did; experimenting with the way their victims could handle the pain of bleach and gassing and drowning/revival.
What is your latest book about?
I have completed a solid lifetimes work with Programmed to Murder, from age 13 to middle age. The title is a nod in the direction to the respected and late Dave Gowan who wrote Programmed to Kill. Our books are very different though. He wrote about the various killers and the CIA’s MK Ultra program. My book is my own life story. After completing – In for the kill – an American fan called Anna approached me to say she had read my books and knew I was a Monarch. That phone call changed my life and I began my study of Monarch Mind Control. I haven’t got time to describe the nature of what Monarch is but there is a lot out there on the net. My book describes how I saw myself as a kind of hunter of evil all of my life but what I was really hunting was myself – what had happened to them had also happened to me – but I had wasted my life as a spy. Gowan believes that both Brady and Bianchi were Monarchs – the females being used as spies and the men for domestic terrorism and shooters. I have discussed this on my radio show with Americas Revolution Radio as regards the recent Texas shooting and Las Vegas massacre. Monarch Mind Control taken up by intelligence community and the deep state was carried on by the Nazis and Mengele himself during WW2 and carried on via Project Paperclip. In this dark occult practice I found out that Mengele inserted himself. Perhaps what I smelt when I met both Brady and Bianchi close up enough to smell was the scent of the notorious child killer and torturer Dockor Joseph Mengele. I still want to fight evil and end suffering but I no longer look into the faces of serial killers – we have to look to off world to find the daddy of the devils not at their puppets.

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