WISDOM part 2

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Wisdom is not just knowing with our minds, but understanding with our hearts,.many of the teachings of Jesus were hard for the religious leaders of this day to understand because they tried to figure everything out with their minds.

He taught that if our hearts are hardened,we will never understand even the most basic of spiritual truths.

As we grow in wisdom, we will learn to make right choice that will have long life results. A person does not have to be old to be wise, and being older does not necessarily means that one is wise. But a young person is wise if he /she always ask for the advice of older people who have more experience.

Please don't be like those who despise wisdom, they shall line envy on those that embrace it. Wisdom is God's instruments of creation, and the wisdom of a man is in his words. It means that the word of God is his wisdom bank.

So to live the realm of common sense to superior sense, you need God's words. If you commit yourself to studying God's word, THE BIBLE, and keep your heart open to the message it contains you will become wise.....
So my dear Steemite, study the word of God, THE BIBLE, to be wise.

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