Hello my fellow steemians
This evening we are going into the topic called "Grace". Every here and there I keep hearing; this guy is favoured the grace of God is upon him..
What then is grace?
From my own view I see grace as the reason why the senior will serve the junior in life. It's the mercy promoter and the favour rain from the throne of God. Grace, the common word with uncommon results.
Grace is the ladder of joseph, the lion stopper of Daniel, the airplane of Rehab, the celebration train of David, the power motorbike of Peter, the poison of Jezebel, the fire of Elijah, the oil of Elisha, the hidden wisdom of Esther, the demoter of Nebuchadnezzar, the comforter of Job, the fishermen of Paul. Oh grace, the crown giver if Moses, the second chance of samson, the peace giver of Solomon and the elevator.

Tom 9:16 says: "so then, it is not if him that willeth nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy".
Your success in this planet will not be because you are so smart, well educated or well connected! Listen! It is the grace and mercy of God that distinguish you.
Ecc 9:11 further affirms: "The race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, not riches to men of understanding nor yet favour to men of skill, but time and chance happen to them all".

Never forget that God is just, but not fair! Favour (mercy and grace) is not always fair, but it is always just! God will do things to show you that He is God and not because you are qualified. There will be no room for glory! How can you explain God special love for Jacob? It was mercy (grace) in action! The same power that promoted a failure like Peter (who denied and betrayed Jesus) to a mighty international and eternal star, is working to fight for you. It's was grace and mercy that turned Moses (a murderer) into a deliverer! It was grace that turned Samson a moral failure, into a celebrity at death?

It was grace that turned Paul, a hire assassin, into a voice for the gospel! Grace will give you life when others are dying! Grace will penetrate your finances for profit when others are losing!
Grace will make a way where there seems to be no way!
Ask God For Grace Today
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