Christian Quotes Of The Day

Quotes are a way of making us to think over some certain things in life.
Thank God for these men of God that were actually on fire for the LORD.

  • I would rather teach one man to pray, than ten men to preach - Charles Spurgeon.
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  • The man who mobilizes Christian Church to pray will make the greatest contribution to World evangelization in history - Andrew Murray

  • We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties - Oswald Chambers.

  • Prayer is not learned in a classroom, but in the closet - E. M Bounds.

  • He who runs from God in the morning, will scarcely find him the rest of the day - John Bunyan.

Most of the quotes were centered on prayer. That is to tell you that prayer is an essential ingredient in a man's life.

Thanx for your time.

Image source: goggle.

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