Amazing Book Describes how to Learn English and save Indigenous by Challenging Christian Theology - written by me

Free book! Debate the Christian and WIN ! Prove Christianity false. Is English your second language or do you just want to debate Christians? Are you a Christian and want to find the holes in Christian theology? Here is a book that describes a systematic debate structure for debating Christians. It is an unassailable logical containment strategy that, like Chinese Kung Fu, uses style and form combined with the use of verses from a bible.

Christian missionaries have been the beachhead for Western invasion for centuries. (ie. US invasion of the Kingdom of Hawaii, Chinese Boxer Rebellion, overthrow of native American culture in the Americas). Now someone wanting to challenge the missionary and learn English has a powerful tool that has been thoroughly tested in a wide range of debates.

With this method the debater does not argue with the Christian but rather asks questions which, if answered, reveal the fundamental weaknesses of Christian theology. Learn, challenge the missionary, and defend indegenous culture now. Defenders of Shamanism, Wiccans, Druids, etc. will also find this free book a welcome addition to their digital library.
Challenge, debate, and save indigenous cultures from being amalgamated into Romanized Christiandom.
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This is the unpublished and unedited first edition. Be one of the first to read it.


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