Things are easy in Norway. But what about other people?


My name is Rando and I am originally from a small country called Estonia. I moved to Norway with my mom in Y2K when I was 12.
Here in Norway life is pretty chill. I always have enough money for food, for rent and all sorts of other things.
Even jobs are super easy to find here in Norway and if you lose your job you will get something called "dagpenger" (day money), which is like a salary because you have worked before that the Government hands out. So literally you can never actually hunger in Norway, nor live on the streets if you use the systems that are in place in the Norwegian Government.


Things are not so in many other countries as you know.

I work as a freelance filmmaker and a parkour instructor here in Norway. A few times a year I also travel to Ukraine with a young man in a wheelchair as his assistant. There he attends a clinic in Truskavets called Kozyavkin International Clinic of Rehabilitation. This is mostly a clinic for people with CP (Cerebral Palsy), which the young man I assist has.
Anyway, this is actually all a side-note to what my point is.

As I have been to Ukraine several times and have also seen differing areas, I quickly saw how poor most people there are monetarily. I even asked from a physical therapist at the Clinic about his salary, and he said that he earns 150 usd a month. So imagine now buying an iphone X. A years salary almost. And mind you, this is a guy with a pretty good job.

I also noticed that alcohol is sold in every store and heard that alcoholism is actually an issue among many people.
It is also easy to see the sadness in many peoples faces when I walked around in the city. Many actually struggle with things over there that I have taken for granted here in Norway.

But, there is a way to help. Since I am a born again Christian and have been watching the Youtube channel called "Wretched" for some time now I came across a video today of them actually helping people in Ukraine! What a coincidence. Allthough I actually don't believe in coincidences.

I urge you to check out this video and see how they have been able to help in a small town in Ukraine:

And I ask for your help as well. If you cannot help now, please upvote this post and we can together help people with the power of Steemit.

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