Let There Be Light-Every word you speak


There is a multiverse theory that states anything that is mathematicaly possible must exist somewhere because the mere mathematical possibility makes it exist.

Therefore the idea is there is a multiverse for every possible outcome. Myriads and myriads of Probabilities spring forth always in every direction. Splitting off new pathways,new universes where today you wore the green shirt or took I-75 instead if US 23. Where also all possibility exists suspended outside of time in one state of being like looking through a collidescope .

Often in Christianity and Bible circles we don't think of these things. Maybe however we should.

God is the Creator and made us in his image. God spoke and this is how he made all things."Let there be light,and there was light!"

We know from observing our world that there is nothing solid. Even that which our vessels percieve as solid is not. Everything is made of smaller particles!! 99.99%of an atom is SPACE!

God's ways are Astounding! Looking out into space and seeing the distance between the objects we can see is the same as looking inward and seeing the spaces between cells or atoms!

If you stand on Earth and do not fall through, what is standing on the cosmos and not falling through?

How does this creation work? What have we discovered? Everything is electricity vibrating at differing speeds! What is it to speak?

To speak you first have a thought then you move air part your vocal cords which create a vibration and project that vibration outward into the world. Wow! God Spoke and gave a frequency of that vibration to form all things.

Jesus is the WORD. All things that are created are made (1)BY (2) THROUGH @(3) FOR Him.

He made all things. They are made Through> him. That is THROUGH the word.

He is the LIGHT. The LIFE of men. LIGHT is electricity! There is no real thing called darkness just as we are told God is Light and in him is no darkness at all.

Technically there is only luminous light which our physical eyes can decode for our brains to understand. Then the rest of the light spectrum that our eyes cannot decide therefore we do not percieve on our own as existing.

So maybe we are more of creators than we know. Maybe this is why we will answer for every idle word we speak? What if every word we speak has the power of creation behind it and we bring that vibration into reality. Even if we do not see it in our universe we do not know that we are helping manifest such things somewhere. Life and Death are in the power of the tongue! Maybe this is why.

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