Going from wilderness to promised land

Faith is quite a journey we start out in a wilderness with the mindset of slaves. The Wilderness is a new place for us a place where we cannot provide for ourselves where there is not an abundance to go and gather from it is a place of dryness.

How long are Wilderness will last just depends on how long it takes us to see the pattern of provision that we receive daily and to continue to trust that it will come daily as it has been coming. The quicker that we are able to accept that any reality is possible and to know that what we have already seen is astonishing then the quicker we will leave off from complaining we will leave off from fear that provision may fail us. The Israelites did not enter the Promised Land not those people that left Egypt because they could not believe that the manager that they had seen, would continue to come that is fear that God may not be faithful it was only the fruit that was created in that wilderness that preceded into the Promised Land.

So often we go about our own works how to make God manifest the answer we seek now but we are not believing when we are asking Jesus said that when we ask it is given Jesus said that when we ask if we will believe that we already have received it then we shall have it.

So what we are told here is that we are to feel inwardly the emotion of already living with that thing that we have asked for. He was seeking to show us the way 2 emotionally feel that we Have No Lack. What we find then is that when we have asked it has already been given to us in fact we are told that it has been given before we ask so why do we look with our eyes and believe we do not have it?
Emotionally this is the example of the wilderness where our eyes see desert our skin feels the Heat that we feel we need relief from are taste quench your thirst and we feel that there is no place that's relief can come from but the Wilderness is also a place where Miracles manifest around us just as God formed Adam from the dust of the ground so in the dust of the wilderness in the dust of our five senses whose job it is to decode this reality around us so God can form out of nothing all that our heart desires all that we need for life and godliness all that we needed to be his joyful children and the way that he chooses to manifest these things for us often contain more meaning and joy then just having the thing we need.
Once we can walk through our daily lives keeping our joy High vibrating our energy in this creation at a level of trust and faith and child likeness then the purpose of the Wilderness of our souls the purpose of the Wilderness of Our Lives passes we have overcome complaining we have overcome fear of lack and we have turned into children who expect good from their father and who excitedly wait for what he will bring next. Instead then of living through the five senses which show us the wilderness we begin to live through the spirit with eyes to see and ears to hear discernment to smell and inward understanding to lead us then the world we perceive around us will look like that of the promised lands that is Flowing with milk and honey.
Our own minds often trapez into realities that we decide are possible and not possible and therefore what manifests around us in our own lives is hindered or broadened by what we believe is possible. God is not stopped from doing good by our lack of faith and this is often what is argued against the idea that our faith determines what we will receive. However God is a perfect God and we often believe that he is sitting on a throne and receiving requests back and forth every moment of the day and sending off yes's and no's and healings and rejections of feelings provisions and rejections of provisions that he's sending off blessings and cursings but he's so busy with the work of the day that he may not have time for us others are glad that he may not have time to look in their Direction and see the guilt that they have for what they're doing but this is not at all the way that God has created this existence. Just as we have laws of nature that we discover through science all of the time there are spiritual laws by which God has set things in place to work without constant attention by him through it because they will react in the perfect measure that he has set and we will be affected by how we proceed with in this existence according to those laws.
The Israelites had been slaves in Egypt their minds were that of slaves they had not been given abundantly any care and therefore they had not been given abundantly any of their needs by their slave masters therefore once they were in the wilderness they likewise could not believe that God cared enough to continue to provide daily their Mana that God would see and know ahead they're thirsting and provide them water from The Rock out of their own frustrations in their slave Minds they complained like children they wind and disbelieved and even Moses in his frustration was cause to strike The Rock in his own work instead of trust that this creation was structured in a way by our perfect father that what we need and desire would be ours if we can trust him instead the work of the flesh comes to try to make happen those things that will wait for.

With all of the Miracles that were seen in the wilderness they could not overcome the senses of man that had been slaves in their minds and slaves in their Flash and therefore when the promised land was set before them even then their minds could not fathom that such granjear could it be long and be given to them by loving father. We are told that the fruit of the land was so large that it had to be carried between men on large sticks. This land had been so abundant that it's was providing well for Giants is that amount of abundance was unfathomable to the slave minded wilderness seeing Israelites.

Only those spies the two who believed that God loved them and found them worthy enough for his own sake only they could see the fruit of the land and believe it was meant for them and in this way our daily lives work.

We could do a fun exercise. Expanding our mind and the abundance of God imagine your self holding a grape that is the size of your head.

Imagine the childlike Joy the giggle in your soul as you are holding this grape up to your head. Maybe you can take a small bite of it and suck some juice out maybe trying to do so turns your face all purple the abundance of God was in enough then to provide that childlike Joy with grapes of that real literal size how much more can he bring to you today not only all that you need but even enough abundance how to break your nuts to fill your boat still sinking to give you that childlike Joy that the abundance that is more than you yourself can't even handle be like a child today.

Every worry that you have today imagine instead as a big old grape the size of your head close your eyes and imagine that you're biting into the abundance that he has already provided imagine that the world you live in and the life that you have was built for the abundance of giants but now belongs to you. Instead of fear and worry let those be replaced with a childlike Earnest expectation excited to see the gifts that Daddy brings home. Greets him in like Manor. Be grateful and dance around like a child just told that they can go to Disneyland jump around for joy like a child who is Daddy has just happily handed them what they most wanted in the world in their small child like worlds. This is the lights and the senses of dwelling in the Promised Land escaping your slavery mindset and living as sons and Daughters


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