BitShares - The World's First Bible, Constitution and SEC Compliant Blockchain

"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The powers that be have been established by God." -- The Apostle Paul

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." -- Thomas Jefferson

These quotes, from two of my heroes, seem to be at odds. What is a Godly Patriot to do?

Well, I've published extensively on this topic right here on Steemit starting with this first article in a five-part series from two years ago.

Independence Day

Spoiler Alert: Sorry guys. The Bible takes precedence over the American Founding Fathers... by a smidge.

Drives my wife nuts when I set the cruise control according to the speed limit and let the rest of the traffic go whizzing past us. We must obey the governing authorities unless they contradict God. Speed limits don't contradict God. Rats.

So, all the work I do in the BitShares universe must comply with these two principles:

  • Rigorous compliance with the The System.
  • Vigorous efforts to reform The System... be more compassionate, ethical, consistent, fair and wise.

So, that's what governs every thing I write, or say, or do.
Makes everybody equally angry.
So be it.

But, if you go back and look at all my articles and interviews, you'll find I give equal time to encouraging our communities and our governments to be more compassionate, ethical, consistent, fair and wise. Drives them all nuts. Heh heh.

BitShares - The Biblically Jeffersonian Blockchain

Let's look at how all this affects what we have been working on for BitShares over the past two years. First, here's a slide I'll be presenting at the BitShares, Bitcoin and Ethereum Superconference in Dallas this weekend:

Each one of these new super-high-quality tokens is exquisitely crafted to be fully compliant with all known global regulations.

That's pretty much all we do:
We help innovative companies engineer products like these.

If you don't have a favorable opinion letter from a qualified attorney, we'll insist that you do before we take your case. To understand fully what this means, read our policy statements at or or or or... well, you get the idea.

But it doesn't stop there. BitShares was engineered from the ground up to provide regulatory compliance support. We can't control what you say about your coin off line, but we can enforce whatever compliance policies you embrace.

Beyond that, I recently commissioned the first phase of a comprehensive upgrade to the BitShares ecosystem, taking it from the World's First Industrial Grade blockchain to the World's First Institutional Grade blockchain -- fully compliant and licensed for global operations around the world so that institutional investors can use it. You can't do that without taking compliance very seriously...and we'll do it without changing BitShares while growing its value enormously.

So when you hear me urging the world's authorities to take a new look at how our industry should be governed and regulated, don't misunderstand what I am up to. I am equally committed to improving our levels of compliance and that with which we must comply.

Here's another slide from Sunday's pitch. You'll have to wait for another post on that one, but this should tell you that we aim to comply and thrive on six continents, connecting the New Silk Route Museum projects in Asia, America and Europe to the BitcoinLatina projects in Latin America to the Legacy Systems of the British Commonwealth to the remotest unbanked regions of the world.

It's not exactly rocket science.

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