There are only two animals that God identified himself with in the Bible : the eagle and the lion ...

Jeremiah48:40 for this saith the lord . Behold he shall fly as an EAGLE and shall spread his wings over Moab.
Proverbs 19:12. The Kings wrath is as the roaring of a LION , but his favour is as few upon the grass

The eagle is the leader of the flying creatures kingdom whilst the lion is the leader of the animal kingdom .
One may wonder why God often identify himself with this creatures . He knew the qualities he placed in them and what they possess .
Both animals are leaders . If you want to be an icon then you have to be one of these animals or better still all of them .
It is said that an "an army of sheep led by a lion will always defeat an army of lion led by a sheep
This implies that a right leader can transform hopeless and fearful people into hopeful , fearless people .
The right leader can transform fishermen into worlds changers - As Jesus did that with Simon in the Bible
You don't have an excuse if you don't succeed simply because the lion is not the tallest , strongest , biggest and most powerful among all animals but the lion is a leader simply because it possess leadership skills .
All that you need are attitude , courage , passion , and strength to take initiatives in this life .
The future of Africa and the world at large is in our hands . Let's make all the effort to change our achaiac mind and am sure we will achieve our dream .
Say this ::

Proclaim this : nothing is impossible with God on my side ...
Good afternoon and enjoy the rest of the day ... image.jpeg

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