Which will you choose joy or sadness?

Emotions, just like the magnetic field, could either attract or repel...
I see a lot of people saying things like "I want to change my friends, I want to change the people around me", not once, it has actually become a trend, when I see these things, I just laugh and ask myself, are these guys joking or what?...

The issue you've had, or you still have, has never been as a result of the people around you, NO! Its been as a result of your attitude, the way you respond to happenings! So if there's anyone that needs a change, I guess its you!, yes pls, you...

Come to think of it, if I'm always complaining, who am I likely to attract? The answer isn't far fetched... I'll gladly attract fellow complainers, people who would give me more reasons to see the bad in every circumstance... And complain my life away🙄

I had a very bad habit while I was younger, I'll sit, fill my head with thoughts of sad happenings, remember all the sad things one person or the other had done, project possible sad happenings, and then cry, cry, and cry!!
What a waste of productivity!!

Some of us are masters in worriology!! Rev. Sam Adeyemi said God once told him, "There's no amount of worrying you do today that'll make me do today what I've decided to do tomorrow"... Oh, I guess we should read that again!

Some of our friends and family have been victims of our perpetual sad state and mood swings! I see someone coming out of that sad state in Jesus' name...(for some people, it might have gotten so serious that God's help is needed to break through )

Sadness is a choice, and so is joy!
Pls stop carrying that cloud of sadness like an umbrella...
You have this life to live, so pls live while you're still alive😁
Change your approach to things, and the results will change, definitely!!!!

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