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Everything exist because of him and everything is missing something without him. and not just something but the central thing, the thing that supplies true meaning and purpose to all things.

For in him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory. Romans 11:36

Jesus Christ applies to the animate and the inanimate things alike. For eg, Jesus said "do not think that i have come to abolish the law or prophets; i have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. Mathew 5:17. In other words, the old testament is incomplete, it is missing an essential element and that element is Jesus Christ.
Also, take the issue of the sabbath. "You shall have six days each week for your usual work, but the seventh day must be for rest. A holy day dedicated to the Lord. Anyone who works on sabbath day must be put to death.

Relax or die!!!!!

Isn't that what God is saying here? We Christians tend to focus on the long list of the things the law commands us to do, but what about the command to rest from all our doing?

but anyone who works on the sabbath must be put to death.

The above quotation seems like an overreaction from God. In what universe does this punishment fits this crime?
Clearly something is missing.


Relax or die makes no sense without Jesus. With Jesus it make perfect sense. That is because Jesus himself the sabbath rest that we all need. By fulfilling all the commandments of the law and offering his perfect life as a sacrifice for our sins, Jesus became our sabbath rest.

Without Jesus, the death sentence of the Sabbath law makes no sense. But with Jesus, it makes good and perfect sense.



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