It's Not Done By Me, It Is Done By Him!

Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

We need to consider what the past has shown us, that the times are dark and evil and that it will continue to be so until the Lord Jesus Christ comes back again. With that knowledge in the back of our minds, we face challenges everyday that stretch our faith, our time, and our strength.

That is when we must bring our petitions for help and restoration to Him, The Kings of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Jesus Christ. He always know when we need His help, but we are the ones that need to be mindful of our own limitations. It is hard sometimes to surrender to His will, but it is necessary. We cannot live this life without receiving hurts and pains, without going through some stressful situations, but when we bring our hearts and minds to the Lord, when we focus on Him instead of our problems, He will give us the victory!

Whatever you are going through right now, remember you are not alone, and that your fellow sisters and brothers in Christ are going through some things as well. We need to be mindful of the suffering that is going on all around us and in the world, and to pray for others, for their healing and restoration; once we begin to focus on others and on the Lord, we will begin to see the manifestation of God's power in our own lives.

It is simple, I take my issue to the Lord, I tell Him how it makes me feel and how it is affecting my life, and I ask for His help, and then I stand upon His word, and declare His promises for me and for my life. I give it all to Him, I let Him fight the battle for me! I know that He has it, I may not see the answer right away, but I have peace in my heart, and I am filled with joy, not because the answer manifested instantly, (although sometimes I do receive an answer right away!), but because the Holy Spirit comforts me and I feel God's love as I start praising His name. I begin to worship Him in His presence, and declare the issue settled in my heart, I claim the victory even before I see it!

That is why it is so important to learn how to do praise and worship, just lean into Him, and you will feel His presence and His love, and when love fills your heart, fear no longer has any place in you!

When you get your answer and your family and friends ask how it came to pass, all you will need to say is, "It was not done by me, It was done by Him!"

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