A Peace That Surpasses All Understanding

Philippians 4:7English Standard Version (ESV)

7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

In the times that we live in, it is important to know who we are and whose we are; if you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, if you have declared Him the Lord of your life, then you know who you are and to whom you belong. Having the Lord in your life and in all of your circumstances means that whatever situation that you find yourself in, the consequences of your decisions will not destroy you. He will never allow the enemy to completely wipe you out with words of condemnation, or with actions of hate.

We are not to instigate situations where problems arise, but when they do arise, we can count on the Lord to be in the midst of our problems. We can count on Him to love us and guide us, and there are many who will say that He has everything under control; even when the situation seems bleak and beyond repair, He is there waiting for you to call on Him so that He can give your the victory!

When you put your circumstances into His hands, He will bring you out of all of your messy situations; you give Him your problems and begin to rest in Him, and He will give you the peace that surpasses all understanding.

Lay your burdens at His feet, raise your hands in worship and in praise, love Him with all your heart, and peace and joy will be the result!

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