TEXT: ISAIAH 14:12-15

KEY VERSE: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” (Isaiah 14:12)

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There is much evil semplance between the boastful, yet, barren language of Satan in today’s Scripture and the arrogant rendition of Ahithophel when he joined the rebellion of Absalom against King David. Lucifer repeats, “I will” five times to announce his futile programme to “be like the most High”. He did not achieve his goal.

Of such human-driven words doomed to fail and draw the anger of God, Jude writes: “…Clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots; Raging waves of the sea, foaming at their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever …their mouth speaketh great swelling words…” (Jude 12, 13, 16). The Scripture has given the irreversible verdict on those who cast their language in the blasphemous manner of Satan and Ahithophel.

Pride prevents man from acknowledging the sovereignty of God. If you admit the rule of God not only in your life but also in the affairs of all humans, you will not make plans and leave God out of them. Thus, James cautions us to accommodate God even in the so-called trivial things of life: “Ye know not what shall be on the morrow… for that ye ought to say, if the Lord will, we shall live and do this, or that. But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil” (James 4:14-16).

Satan’s haughty utterances ended in misery, taking him into eternal damnation. It was the same with Ahithophel who committed suicide to compound his woes. Others like Pharaoh and Sennacherib rode on the horse of arrogance to perdition. Our language reflects who we are. Those who spoke relying on their power and worldly resources, and not on heavenly strength only succeeded in failing. We should pray today to possess a heart devoid of pride and a tongue seasoned with salt.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: It is futile to plan without God.


Here we have a revelation about the fall of Satan which ordinarily he would not like anyone to know. He rules people by keeping them in ignorance and darkness. This text is prophetic. It will be fulfilled in Rev 12 during the Great Tribulation

  1. Satan originally was son of the morning or morning star. All angels are called by that name Job 38:7 while Jesus is call the Bright and the Morning Star Rev.22:16. All saints in heaven will eventually receive this morning star which Satan lost Rev.2:28.
  2. At present, he operates from the heavenlies Ephesians 6:12 and major in weakening the nations.
  3. His ambition: to ascend to heaven where God is, to have his throne exalted above the angels, to overthrow the Messiah and be the King of Israel reigning from Jerusalem during the millennial reign of Christ v13. Note Israel is called the mount of the congregation Psalm 48:2.
  4. The fact that he wants to exalt his throne above angels of God and rule them v13 is an indication that positionally he, at present, is not above the angels of God. He would not like you to know that.
  5. V15 is also futuristic.
  6. Satan cannot weaken the nations without weakening the citizens. He weakens people spiritually, physically, psychologically and also weaken the will and faith to resist him and do the will of God. He would want you to believe he is not the one weakening you.
  7. The only person that sinned without a tempter.

HYMN:Yield not to Temptation

1.Yield not to temptation,
For yielding is sin;
Each vict’ry will help you,
Some other to win;
Fight valiantly onward,
Evil passions subdue;
Look ever to Jesus,
He will carry you through.

Ask the Savior to help you,
Comfort, strengthen and keep you;
He is willing to aid you,
He will carry you through.

2 Shun evil companions,
Bad language disdain;
God’s name hold in rev’rence,
Nor take it in vain;
Be thoughtful and earnest,
Kindhearted and true;
Look ever to Jesus,
He will carry you through. [Refrain]

3 To him that o’ercometh,
God giveth a crown;
Through faith we will conquer,
Though often cast down;
He who is our Savior,
Our strength will renew;
Look ever to Jesus,
He will carry you through. [Refrain].


  1. Any weakness in your life and body? This is the time to take authority and shake it out of your life.
  2. Lord, deliver me from any vain and satanic ambition which definitely is outside your plan for my life.
  3. Lord, cancel the satanic activities of weakening your ministers and workers in the church.
  4. Lord, subdue, by the power of the Holy Spirit, all the weakening activities of Satan against righteousness in this nation.


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