Lords Stretched arms to anywhere and anybody.

Lords Stretched arms to anywhere and anybody.

Yet another incident about the lords help and favor. It is the comfort that the lord had done to a centurion, One day a centurion comes to the lord Jesus and says, lord my servant is sick at home and he is torment, the lord replied I will come and heal him. But the Centurion responded lord I am not worthy that you come to my home, you only say a word and my servant will be healed. The lord marveled and said to his followers I have never seen such a kind of great faith, no, not in whole of Israel.

This event undoubtedly emphasis that the lord heals the people through his words. In fact I view this as an important incident to understand that the lord need not touch or come close to heal and deliver the people. He can heal through his words. The words from the lord’s mouth have the power to do the miracles and wonders. It also confirms the lord heals from distance not that the lord has to be near you to heal. This is an evidence to make people understand, the whole universe and all the objects and the living beings comply with the lord’s words, he is the ultimate authoritarian to all. When there is a word from the lord no mater whatever it is, all obeys and obeys.

This also utters that the lord’s word are so powerful to heal anything under any condition, also clearly explains how important the lord’s words are which are in the form of bible. The bible is nothing but the lord’s words. In other form the lord is in the form of words in bible. That is why even today we see people and believers, whenever in trouble make a prayer holding the bible and with the bible reading, and the lord replies and heals through his words in the bible. Whatever the situation and the problems are, the bible has the solutions as the lord himself is in the form of words.

At this point an additional aspect to consider is in those days the Jews never used to visit others home and place. They always stayed closed to themselves. Visiting other Jew’s home as well was not of their tradition. In spite of these rules and customs the lord never thought of and hesitated for a second to visit the centurion’s home. The lord was all set to stopover the centurions place to heal his domestic servant. The lord is a loving lord who on no occasion denies to anybody and anywhere the lord is always standing by to emanate, comfort and heal people. But here the person was not comfortable to invite the lord, since the centurion considers himself as unworthy.

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