Jesus Christ- Unbelivable Torture

Unbelievable Torture

It is quite preposterous what the lord has gone through and his brutal pain for us. But its history and its true and the whole world is aware of what had occurred to the lord. We cannot evade a suspicion, is it factual or it is a bit exaggerated. These are accurate realities and research results reveal. Not only that our lord Jesus has revealed with scars to his disciples and followers. Countless people all over the world have glimpsed him in cross even today with the blood. Many have seen visions of his mutilations, marks and his wounds even today. May be some of you reading this have seen him before or maybe you will see him some day. He is a lord who reveals to every person who aches for him in their heart. Request, the Lord that you wish to see him. He would certainly do.

Furthermore we do have one more uncertainty creeping inside, why did he agonize so much? The answer is humble nevertheless beyond our humanoid understanding, for the reason that he loves you and me so much that he has gone through considerable agony. The love the Lord have is more than what each and every one of us can think of.
In my initial phase of understanding in Christianity I was pondering with several questions.
Why, Lord Jesus should offer his life to torture so that people would turn from sin.
Why should he go through the brutality?

Would not a modest miracle, a solution for a problem or a prophetic word about future is adequate to prove people he is the god. Aren’t the people looking for a miracle in their life? After all, every single human is hit with a difficult and looking a way out so, what else would be needed more to turn them. That was my insight. When you have a guileless solution why go through the hard-hitting one.

I was obsessed with these considerations because people in my place at all times treated and believed even a faker, foretelling about future in the name of god, and simple solution or the so called rectification were treated like god. When there is a word spread about a new astrologer or a prophet and his suggestion are he is a famous person and people fell in his feet. When people are dying for such storytellers and forgers. The Lord Jesus has the power and command to clear out all the problem no matter whatever it is, health, finance, etc. Why not a healing would make people believe and why should he go through all these.

It did not take long to understand it was his unbelievable, unconditional, immeasurable love for us that made him to go through all those agony. When people receive some simple healing they would feel happy and glad for a petite time and gradually they fail to recall the healer and what occurred to them in the past. They move with the same old lifestyle, behaviors and characters. The lord dearth to provide solution for every person that lasts permanently for all our problems. In other words the Miseries of the lord on the cross is the only solution for every person. The purpose is the lord desires every person to repent for their sins and also to express how much he loves us. What else in this earth could be superior, other than surrendering his life and keen to undergo much of agony, torture and pain in the cross?

The Lord was abused, harmed cruelly Tortured, Humiliated, ill-treated, harassed immortal and more just for you and me.

The one and only intention and the root cause for all our delinquent is the immoralities sins inside us. May be the evils are from us, our transferred from our parents, from our forefathers, passed on through generations. As long as these immoralities stays in our life it results in various problems in several form. To get a thorough way out a deep cleansing from inside is required. Cleansing our thoughts, mind, heart is the first step in the solution. Cleansing out of fear, restlessness, impatience, anger etc is what we say as the innermost cleansing. When you are emotionally free the solutions to the exterior problems such as physical, health, financial, relationship, addiction, quarrelsome, or other worldly problems emanates in no time. So everything frights from inside. Else the evils inside a person slowly slays them or it proceeds to various forms that reflects in a person’s life weirdly.
When we are cleansed, we receive an immediate reflection providing a sense of peace that nothing in this world can offer. The second reflection is in your health, your behavior, character, addictions relationships etc. We all know when the healing twitches from inside, in other words when the interiors are clean and restored the exterior is more beautiful and vigorous.

This is the only purpose the lord has offered himself in the cross. Yet there acquire one more query but how would a person repent, and how to cleanse our sins. The answer is simple, every person who gets to know about the lord and the Lord’s misery would certainly repent and turn away from the evil. This is the existent magic and miracle. Yes, when an individual meditates about the anguish of the lord in the cross, they would unquestionably envision about the agony and in that instant, they undergo a transformation, and realize their wickedness and is liberated permanently from the sins and evils. The meditation of a suffering would touch a person no matter whatever he is. This is the reason it is preached worldwide. To receive a thorough healing.

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