Jesus Christ- The Lord who helps us Even before we request.

Lords Help Even before we request.

The ultimate relief a person can ever receive is to get their life back when they are dead. Yes, what could be the biggest gift other than an extension of a life after death? This is not a fantasy or time machine story or imagination. The lord had risen form death after the third day of his crucification as we all know. We also learn from the scriptures that the lord had brought the dead back to life. There are many people who received life.

One such incident is about the lord’s help stretched for a widow. During his days, Lord Jesus Christ traveled from place to place to do his ministry. One day when the lord was walking along a countryside they saw an old lady weeping and people around her trying to console her. The lord enquired about her and found that the lady was an old widow and a poor one, she had only one son to support her and now as the only son is dead she had no one for her and her grief was so profound that she is weeping and no one could console her. The lord, the one and only loving and kind hearted could not grasp the old lady’s misery in her old age, he immediately went to comfort and console her that no one in this world can do. The lord went near the dead son’s body and raised him back to life and gave his life back. The people around watching this were dazed and rejoiced to see the young man back to life and no words can explain the lady’s joyfulness.

The instance here prompts us that though the lord has told in his scriptures, call me in your needs I will help you, But here even before the lady asks for help the lord gets in action. The lord does not wait for the individual’s prayer several times, the lords understands our pain, agony and know what to be done. The lord cannot see and tolerate his people suffering and never waits for us to request. There are so many incidents in each and every one’s life when we have received the lord’s help even before we ask. How many times we would have escaped from killing incidents. When we turn and travel back and think about our life we would wonder for many incidents in our life. There are a lot of happenings in our lifetime that we would have gone, and miraculously would have received a favor from nowhere. Some strangers would have helped, some instincts would have saved, our near and dear ones have been saved etc. Each and every person would have come across similar experiences.

In this incident it also arguments out one more fact. When we think it is all over and when we come to a conclusion that nothing else could be done more, the lord is capable of giving a new beginning at that end. This can be done only by the lord. He is capable of transforming a full stop to a comma, enabling to continue things.

This also reminds us, the death is under the control of the lord. All the quantifiable in this universe is under the control of the lord. The scripture says the lord created all stuffs that exists in this universe, and whatever the lord created, everything is under the control of the lord. The lord’s word has the authority to govern all.

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