Why I Believe: It's Just Too Perfect!

Sometimes I catch myself thinking, could all this be true? But I'm quickly reminded if it's not true then reality is one big hoax. There is no other feasible explanation for what is. I believe in the God of Christianity for many reasons. Let me share a few reasons here.


First, the Bible is just too perfect. The words in it are words that no man can ever write. Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself. Man's natural tendency is to exploit his neighbor. If law and order were done away with today, everyone would not break out loving and serving each another. On the contrary, murders, rapes, thefts, and the like will skyrocket. U5dtDsi3nANwFmKZd4BtnCbE9huv4xo_1680x8400.jpg
God's ways are different than ours. We say revenge, He says forgive. We want to get ahead, He wants us to serve. All these things are contrary to our nature. And what is a Christian's reward for this? Relationship with Him. If humans would have written the Bible, the reward would have been 70 virgins and a mansion or something. Carnal things.

Next, no other book has prophecies like the Bible. I searched. I looked. I couldn't find any. Surely there's a close second. Nope! None! Over 300 about Jesus alone. 8857b3940ab68faf4af6946046c08c1f.jpgThe prophecies by themselves cannot be ignored. It's just too perfect. Too precise. Most people have no idea how detailed and accurate the Bible is. From the birth and life of Christ 1000s of years before He arrived on earth to how the world is going to end. There are 1,817 prophecies in the Bible. You can say that they just wrote the prophecies and fulfilled them at the same time. That is impossible because the Bible was written over the course of 2000 years by over 40 different men and women of God who did not know each other. Bible-scroll.jpg
For instance, what if I said 1000 years from today a messiah will be born in Bethlehem by a virgin and he will die for the sins of the people. And a thousand years from the exact day this was said, this actually happened. That's in the book Book of Daniel. Talk about precision. On top of that, prophecy has to match every other account in the Bible. Impossible. Unless God is the grand conductor outside the space-time continuum. And that's exactly what happened.

Another reason I believe is nature itself. Look at this planet! Look at this universe! It's incredible. The solar system and galaxies. The perfect measurements. Our atmosphere. Our world. It looks like an artist designed it. homepage546585a-i1.0.jpg
Look at us, walking pottery. And our emotions? How in the world would that evolve? Happiness, anger, sorrow. You ever witnessed a baby being born? Or a sunset on the beach? The mighty sound of thunder points to Him. And the wind and rain declare His majesty. I'm starting to preach a little but the fact remains, it's just too perfect.

But if it's so perfect, what's up with death? And evil in this world. Why would a perfect God allow evil? That's a good question. We are living in a mad world. Sorta like a zombie apocalypse without zombies. landscape-1493215221-walkingdead2.jpgWe come into this world as walking dead as if we need a cure. Even animals have lost their minds. Scavenging and eating each other. I'll talk about why God allowed evil in my next blog.

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