Adam and Eve was God and his wife

In the beginning (actually 6000 years ago according to Europe) the first man came. He then created the woman (for he was lonely?). They lived in a huge garden (Eden). One day the woman simply ate (or took part in learning) from an apple. God said not to take part in this knowledge. Because of that earth turned evil. Time and time again God said: “Let us make man and woman in our image”. I say to you again: “Let US make man and woman in OUR image!”

Now Imagine This: Long ago in in Europe a great, powerful, rich ruler lived; who owned beautiful land as far as the eye can see. He was a lonely ruler (or shall we say a Lord). He met the ultimate woman and fell in love with her. Day after day they wondered naked through his vast land. They would chase each other, he would throw her down to the ground and make love to her. After making love she would lay on top of him: heart to heart, cheek to cheek and rib to rib. The ruler was so in love that he often said to her: “Lets have children. Children that will look just like us.” He wanted a boy who would continue his legacy. He wanted only girl’s who imaged his beautiful lover.

Daily the ruler had to return to his castle. The ruler (Adam) would say to her: “Wonder, but if you run into any other men do not partake in conversation with him.” One day “Eve” met a man, a Moorish man. This man shared great knowledge with “Eve” that fascinated her. Then one day she made love to this man for he fascinated her so. He did things with his tongue that were as if his tongue was a snake. She left the ruler for the Moor.

One day “Eve” did not return to the ruler (Adam). When the ruler lost his lover, his entire world was destroyed. There was no reason to love anything anymore; it was like his life and world turned to hell. From then on the ruler would do heartless things. He would make people suffer for the smallest acts. He would meet other women but he would never love again like he loved “Eve”. He even dismissed her completely from his journal, he was heart broken. Every woman he met he warned: “You better not go with another man for I am a jealous man. I can be very vengeful.” This also explains the term: “Do not tempt thy Lord”. Till this very day women are seen as bad guys, less than or not even mentioned throughout the Bible.

A simple story from the times of romanticism. Another version of “Romeo and Juliet”. This is how people spoke 500 - 6000 years ago.

I discovered the confirmation of this truth just days ago. I was reading the gospel of Philip. With my 25+ years of decoding the Bible I knew of all this but still needed more proof. After reading the gospel of Philip (in which was taken out of the Bible) it all connected. I am a strong believer in the “Most High”. I just do not call it a name. For I do not own the universal supreme being. In fact, when I found this discovery I told my wife: “I am going to tell the world this truth! If I am not meant to, then this plane will crash right now!” And today I stand on ground...

Philip speaks very much on marriage and highly respects the union. In fact he said if the ruler would have married “Eve” none of this would have happened. Because back then marriages were tied by God and once married you could not be with anyone else. You would see a similar story to Adam and Eve in King Henry the 8th. The one who had 5 of his wives heads cut off.

Who Were the Moors In the Bible: Moors are from Africa. In the Bible they are pretty much the giants who were created due to angels having intercourse with humans. They were giants compared to European people. If you go back to Europe today you will notice that doorways in villages are very small. I had to duck under a few myself. We all know that the Moors brought great knowledge to Europe. They ruled WITHOUT force. They ruled because European women admired them. Somewhat how Nazi prisoners swooned the American women after coming here (as prisoners). You can watched the documentary: “When the Moors Ruled Europe” on Youtube. It will further prove my facts.

Who Was Adam: God is Adam. God being the ruler off all the land.

The World According to the Bible: It will seem that the times of Adam and Eve along with many other stories happened in a duration of many years. It would seem like Adam and Eve lived for 6000 years. But we must remember: Back then a world could be anyone’s environment. A world most likely could be a small village. There was no 6000 years of life. Or even 100 years that these two beings roamed the earth. I believe this courtship between the two only lasted about a year or three years.

Who Was Eve: That is the real question. I always believed “Eve” was Lilith. Some say “Lilith” was the wife of satan.

Who Was the Snake: Rather WHAT was the snake. The snake was all of the above: The male genitals, the snake and the Moor. Today he is any man of color.

Adam Creating Eve from His Rib: They laid together, rib to rib. Whenever Eve stood up and walked off Adam considered his making love to Eve “His creation”. When she separated from laying with him, she separated her ribs from his. Adam was arrogant. He could have any woman he wanted, weather by swooning or by demand. After the broken heart he made sure the Bible and any other holy doctrines the men would be in power. Until this day that teaching still stands in the church.

Just to think men, children, women, families, countries, faith were destroyed all because of this story and how it was translated by churches.

Further Discovery: I read the entire gospel of Philip which was 26 pages of pure enlightenment. Every other page I was saying: “Man, I said that too!” “Babe, look at this!” “Oh ish!” He believed God was a woman: Mary Conceiving (55, 22-23) - Some said Mary became pregnant by the Holy Spirit(15). They are wrong and do not know what they are saying. When did a woman ever get pregnant by a woman?(16) Yep, those were his words exactly.

Philip even explains how the leaders tarnished titles of good people, to make them bad people. And how the leaders would then take the good people’s title and give themselves credit of that title: The Archons (54, 18-31) - The rulers wanted to fool people, since they saw that people have a kinship with what is truly good. They took the names of the good and assigned them to what is not good, to fool people with names and link the names to what is not good. So, as if they are doing people a favor, they take names from what is not good and transfer them to the good, in their own way of thinking. For they wished to take free people and enslave them forever. This too was said by Philip.

A perfect example of this is the prejudice name given to African American people (I cannot mention the name because of admins). In reality that name can be traced to African kings. These kings are called “Nagas”. And do you know what symbol represented these extraterrestrial beings? THE SERPENT! THE SNAKE AND THE COBRA!

So after reading 26 pages of this great apostle’s wisdom I realized he and I are 100% alike. I believe I am Philip in a reincarnated body. I always knew I was connected to the Christ in some way. Either I was someone close to him, or I walked with his caravan. Reading these gospels summed it up.

Na’ga definition:
plural noun: nagas

(in  Indian mythology) a member of a semidivine race, part human, part cobra  in form, associated with water and sometimes with mystical initiation.
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