TEXT: MATTHEW 19: 3 – 8; PROVERBS 24: 3 – 4

As far as marriage is concerned, there are only two positions it can have; it is either working or not working.


  1. Foundational make-up
    a. Foundational default. A marriage will break down due to foundational default such as what was observed in the marriages of parents while growing up. The examples of parents end up becoming the principles of children. Proverbs 22:6. People who were not privileged to have observe good marriages, might end up having difficulty in their marriages. Except for they come under certain influences that changes their mentality.
    b. Foundational errors, are another reason why marriages don’t work. This can be attributable to wrong judgement, ignorance, or carelessness constituting the things you did or failed to do during the period of courtship, and earlier stage of marriage. Hebrews 13: 4. Foundational errors expose you to plenty of troubles; Hebrews 13:11. Some of the troubles that occurs due to sex before marriage include:
    i. Disrespect. What makes you have mutual respect is the fear of God. Ephesians 5:21
    ii. Constant and unexplainable strife
    iii. Strife
    iv. Unfaithfulness
    v. Loss of sexual desire
    vi. Possible difficulty in child-bearing. Genesis 1:28. When the spirit is experiencing condemnation, fruitfulness is hard. Until the spirit is repaired, sometimes is difficult
    vii. Eventual divorce
  2. Ignorance. Hosea 4:6, Matthew 19:6; Marriage cannot be run based on love and chemistry alone. Marriage must be run based on knowledge. Learn and understand the workings of marriage, ignorance is always a disadvantage. You cannot run your marriage based on tradition. You either run your marriage based on scripture or culture. Marriage is too important to run without laws; find the laws and engage them; some of the laws include;
    a. Law of mutual respect. Ephesians 5:21
    b. Law of love (action, attention)
    c. Law of submission (it is not submission, it is yielding despite disagreement)
    Anytime you break laws you will feel pain. Pain many times say a law has been broken.
  3. De-prioritization of Spouse. After God, the next person ought to be you Wife or husband, then children, work and ministry before other things can follow. Doing it any other way, spells doom for your marriage.
  4. Hardness of heart
    a. A heart is hardened when a man is distanced from God. Loss of sensitivity.
    Spouses should watch over the spiritual life of their husband or wife. When a heart is hardened for long, is an indication for divorce. Matthew 16:6
    b. The heart is hardened when there is an unwillingness to make changes that will make your spouse feel better or happier.
    c. A heart is hardened when you have lost human sympathy or feeling.
  5. No healthy third-party can make a marriage not work.
    When there is no person that your husband is accountable, your marriage is in trouble. There must some kind of father or parental figure that can call you too order at the slightest notice. Without Jethro in Moses’ life, he would not have started the journey to Canaan. By the time Jethro was done, he become the meekest man on earth. Numbers 12:3. Fathers and Mothers are there to shape your life.
  6. Defective spiritual life.
    i. Relationship with God
    ii. Fellowship with God. You draw virtue from God to be a good wife or husband. John 15:4; Ecclesiastes 4:12.
  7. When you are not sure of the hands that were laid on you on your wedding day. People who are spiritually conscious are very wary of who lays hands on them. John 17:19


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