Wrath and Doubt


I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. Timothy 2:8..

Paul the apostle encouraged pastor Timothy, who was the presiding overseer, to admonish and encourage his followers to pray at all times and at everywhere. In other sense, prayer does not have a geographical limitation.

At that time, there were most Christians that were too lazy to the extent that they were weak in praying regularly. In fact, some other Christians loved excusing themselves from participating in the Church prayer meetings or fellowships.

Pastor Timothy, as a young leader, had to investigate and identify these people just to advice and encourage them not to relent in praying. In addition to this, Paul the apostle also revealed to pastor Timothy the things which was hindering their supplications. Paul spoke about wrath and doubting! This is what the opening scripture stipulates. Allowing our hearts to be occupied with anger and doubt will definitely hinder our prayers, it is good we have the spirit of forgiveness in us.

Dear reader, Freeing our minds of doubts and releasing every grievances in us must be our number one priority, because it is only the pure in heart that can see God. I hope this gospel was helpful? Share your comments below!

Quoted verse from: https://www.biblegateway.com/

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