Cannabis everyday might erode your reason forever

We are seeing more everyday the consequences and cost that Cannabis abuse can take on the human soul. Repression is not a bad thing. In fact our entire civilization is built upon the fact that we can repress our instincts. Our entire species success is our ability to symbolize the chaos that churns in our deep self-conscious. This excerpt below is from Jaque Ellul's book Betrayal of the West.

Cannabis numbs the mind and allows the depth of consciousness to be mined without being overwhelmed. This is incredibly cathartic to a person as it allows them to go into a tranquil state and all the repression of paleolithic sexuality, Ishtarian/Kali motherhood terrors, the brutality of the human condition, and the vast expanse of awareness to flow unhindered. Reason was the rope that tied down the coiled serpent or grabbed the Ox by the horns as they say in Zen. I don't blame anyone for smoking. How could I blame you? You've been shown freedom and called an individual while the Western world strangles you with their own hypocrisy.

Cannabis slowly fringes the ropes that have tied down the beast. Reason told Dionysus to, 'Take a seat over there and calm down with all your bullshit.' We often forget that the beautiful goddess is also a pot-bellied wine-bibber who rapes there own daughters. Feel like I'm going too far? Don't get all uppity when the same mind you judge with is from the Greeks. Have some humility that the Western mind is the world mind now whether we like it or not there is no going back. Whether you like it or not you stand on the shoulders of perverts, heroes, villains, and matriarchs that spill the blood of their children. You stand on the shoulders of The Western Man (A Dying Archetype) and it allows you to see the incredible hypocrisy of the Western Man. Yet, if you step off those shoulders you won't see his' hypocrisy nor will you see your own.

Repression is the guard of reason. It tells some darkness's, 'You can go no further' and it tells others 'You may pass'. It is the bargemen that tells which tells which thoughts can and cannot traverse the delta of the mind onto the ocean surface into the your little boat. Tread carefully and put the blunt down every once in a while.

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