Anthistémi: Propaganda & A Fools Duty #1

'The most powerful propaganda is chosen with eyes open' -Adam

There is no excuse now for any Christian to not be able to see clearly and discern like a sage. After all our people were the first be victims of propaganda weren't we?

'For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.' -Satan

'The best propaganda always starts with a kernel of truth.' -Ion Mihai Pacepa

The devil knows this most of all and this is what this blog is for.

Anthistémi It is to help equip you to resist the Spirit of the World.

No one can correct a fool, but it is the duty of the wise to love the foolish. This has been a hard lesson for me and it is still a challenge. If you have doubts on the matter, being correct about someone being foolish , that is the mark of wisdom. If you've settled your doubt on the matter than tread carefully. Still trust yourself, your discernment, and if your not sure it is always wise to be silent. A fool, bless his heart, does not have that vice to ever doubt himself. When a fool doubts himself for the first time that is a beautiful moment.

Why must we love the fool?

The simplest reason is that if we were in their circumstances, raised the same way, conditioned, and suffered like they did we would most likely be in the same mess. There is no room for judgement. Also, if you want to follow the path of Wisdom and pick up your cross you will be disciplined for doing so especially if you're sincere. God is patient. He has all eternity to forge the person He knows you are. If you judge, our Father, will discipline and often times you will know the one you judge intimately. Once He takes you there to this place of intimacy you will only have room for compassion. It'll no longer be a fool you see, but a brother or sister who should be pitied not scorned. Careful not to make your pity one of mocking someone. The pity is the same pity you'd have for your kid being bullied, learning what rejection is, and learning for the first time what suffering is; no matter how we may try to prevent it. It's not a pity used to victimize anyone.

Love does not leave room for any hurt feelings. When someone offends you take note that the offense given must be received by you in order for you to even take offense. Also, no one has the authority over how you should react towards an offense or mean-spirited words. Your will or attitude is a gift from God, where at least here on Earth, not even God can impose upon without your permission. You have one will in you. However, that will must be in harmony with the Nature of your present circumstances or in-line with the Will of God. These two things are not different. May God grant you discernment. Although the will to resist can remain for an entire lifetime the spirit of a person will be grieved when they know they are not on the path.

This resistance to ignoring that grieved spirit is the cause of great heart ache and bitterness. It is the resistance that takes place in the chest, a heaviness, a low hum of dread that stays with us. I thank God that no one can resist forever or we'd all be killed by our stubbornness. In time Love conquers all.

If you want to know the biggest fool you have to love, then you need only reflect on your own life. All of us have fallen short of what is required of us. So remember that it is the duty of the wise to love the foolish. When you do make yourself a fool choose to be kind to yourself, be patient with yourself, and forgive quickly. Above all love yourself as Jesus has loved you.


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