Success is available to every person

Success is available to everyone. It is easier to achieve than you think. It is a gift from God - I mean a true success. The secret is to make your work or profession an avenue of service to God. By this I mean that you do your work as if you are working for God and not man. Look beyond your boss. Bear in mind that you are working for God who knows all things, sees all things, knows your thoughts and motives. In every situation ask yourself, "what would God have me do?", "What would please him?", "What would give him pleasure?"
The answers you get may not appear to be the best in the eyes of man. As long as it is in keeping with the word of God, you are on the right track. If you make it a habit you will find that even those who are not your friends cannot but applaud the quality of your work. Before long success will manifest in no small measure. This is a way of life I have put to test and I can assure you it works.
The big challenge is to remain consistent.

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