Charley Charley Charley ... Have you heard?
Heard what bro... Tell me

Charley... See this video
?????????? Its so disgusting! Urrrgghh!

Charley Charley... Have you heard of the videos of this lady?

Charley Charley .... Check out this site
The lady who disgraced herself and womanhood

Charley this lady is really crazy merrn... Take a look @ what she did...OMG

Charley look, Charley see, charley have you heard, Charley this, Charley that about one profane video! ??????

Do you know the source of all this?
Let me tell you

Of late eh, we've seen so much profanity... Today its a video, tomorrow pictures, the next day its something else!

The devil knows you're a child of God! Do you know that too????

The recent issues of profanity that hit our phone and laptop screens are not mere happenings you know....

Let me tell you this secret, Satan knows that you've grown pass the stage of watching certain videos intentionally.... He knows even if they're scenes in movies youl skip them!

So do you know what he's done? I'll tell you
He's found a way to make you have reason- a justifiable one of course to watch such stuff willingly??

Oh this girl??????... I've heard of her
Let me just see err...
Oh... that's very nasty

This KNUST girl! What has she done.... Kwame see the video

Ei this actress, I heard she's done this o... Let me see er

Do you know what happens when you take your phone/tablet/laptop to watch these stuff... See

????: Kwaku Don't... Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness
Galatians 5:19
Don't disappoint me son... I love you
(Do you know the meaning of LASCIVIOUSNESS? Ei!)

??: Hoh Kyer3! Love ben! When everybody in town is talking about it.... Hw3 hw3 hw3 ooooo mese hw3

And when Kwaku is done...
Akwei asei! Today bi today

Kwaku breaks the hedge of protection set around him ... And opens himself to all sorts of demons and evil spirits....
Kwaku's life will never be the same again ....
Brother, sister be wise! Don't let the devil deceive you...

If Kwaku is a good christian,he'll be convicted of sin... Feel bad and regret genuinely... and he'll never do that again! He'll never grieve the Spirit of God again!

Don't find justification for profainity! Be the holy God's child you've always been

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