The Misinformed And Misconception of Christian "Theory" -The Rapture Is Not Scriptural but just a Fable!

Food for thought:
The "Rapture theory" Is Diametrically in Opposition to all Scriptures And also :


The Lord's "Anti-Rapture" Prayer
Attention! "Rapture Theory People" and those who preached and believed in them"

Hear this Prayer (Anti-Rapture Prayer), of Jesus to His Father God ,
John 17:14-15,(16-26)
Highlighted verse - 14 & 15

  • "I have given them Thy Word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
    (Key anti-rapture verse n prayer of Jesus)- verse 15 :

  • "I pray not that Thou shouldest take them out of the world, (in other words: "do not rapture them!"), but that Thou shouldest keep them (that is, the righteous sons of God remains on earth), from the evil (one).

Note: ( inserted words are mine)

Ponder on these:

  • Do you think Jesus' prayer will be answered by God. ?
  • Do you think the Jesus's prayer is in the Will of God ?

Sincere and true believers of our Lord Jesus Christ , to you I encourage to reconsider your faulty misinformed "Rapture Theory" in the context of all Scriptures
Jesus' prayer definitely contradicts your Rapture Theory or perhaps you have got an answer to supercede Jesus's prayer request?

You have to rethink "Rapture Theory" if you have not! Get out of fable and men's doctrine into God's Word!

photography @daveks

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