Morning Meditation And Thoughts For Today

Morning Meditation Today:

Jesus, The Christ came to reveal His Father in Him. How? Hebrews writer's says, "He is the sole expression of the glory of God [the Light-being, the 'out-raying or radiance of the divine], and He is the perfect imprint and very image of [God's] nature ... Hebrews 1:3a (Ampl. V.)

Jesus is always beholding The Father Face and reflecting His Glory. How can we; likewise shines His light and the Glory of Jesus, as Christ's Offspring? We are born of His Seed.
Just like Jesus came to revealed the Father's Glory; we are supposed to reveals Christ's Glory that is in us; by always beholding The Lord Jesus Face.

We are just like a living and walking "mirror"
Without Looking into Jesus and beholding Him in His Face , our "mirror" can never shine nor reflect anything. Mirror does not have light in itself. They must have light to reflect. Looking unto men, chasing and following after their charismatic personality or unique teachings or ministry will not make you shine. The only One Who have the Source of Glory and Light that can makes you shines and revealed Christ's Glory in us, is none other than our Lord Himself. If you want to shines and reflect Christ's Glory - you must behold Him and looks into His Face daily. If you don't know how - you can start by reading James Epistle and meditate on His written Word constantly before the Light will comes by way of The Holy Spitit and the "dead letters" will be quicken into Spirit and life - it will become Living Word in your hearts and others will be blessed because of you shining forth His Life, light and Word.
Hallelujah! Glory to God and our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen!

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