
"If you should say in your heart , 'These nations are greater I; how can i dispossess them?'-you shall not be afraid of them, but you shall remember well what the LORD your God did to pharaoh and to all Egypt: the great trials which your eyes saw, the signs and the wonders, the mighty hand and the outstretched arm, by which the LORD your God brought you out. So shall the LORD your God do to all the peoples of whom you are afraid". Deuteronomy 7 :17 - 20

FEAR has been said to be an acronym for Fake Evidence Appearing Real.
If I may ask you, what is the most fearful thing in your life now? What is that mountain that look unsurmountable? What is it that wakes you up at midnight, stares you in the face and tells you "no way of escape for you"? Fear of unknown? new challenge? mortgage? School fees? Marriage? family concern? etc

My friend,what you are going through is not peculiar to you and there is a way out of it. You can overcome your present challenge by letting God in. In the above scripture, perfect Antidote for fear was given and that antidote is to Remember, remember what? remember the victory God has wrought for you before. If God has ever given you any victory over any situation before, then you have a perfect weapon and tool to overcome your present challenge(s)

Sit back and reflect on your past challenges and victories, think on how you came out of them and begin to see your self overcoming your present situation just as you did the previous ones because , He, (God) that wrought victory for you in the past has promised to do samething for you in this one. Be like David, he said to the goliath, you will also be like the lion and the bears and the goliath actually fell like them. Begin to declare like David, what you want over your present challenge(s) focusing your mind on the scripture above and see yourself coming out victorious

The 'Antidote' might look simple to you but that is what God has used in time past and is still using to give His people victory over seemingly look impossible situation. Do not be deceived by the simplicity of the gospel

"But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ". 2 Corinthians 11 :13

Once again,sit back and reflect on your past challenges and victories, think on how you came out of them and begin to see your self overcoming your present situation just as you did the previous ones because , He, (God) that wrought victory for you in the past has promised to do samething for you in this one. Be like David, he said to the goliath, you will also be like the lion and the bears and the goliath actually fell like them. Begin to declare like David, what you want over your present challenge(s) focusing your mind on the scripture above and see yourself coming out victorious

You are meant for the top

You will make it

PS: If you are yet to surrender your life to the LORD Jesus Christ as your LORD and SAVIOUR , do that now, glorious life and ability to face challenges victoriously begins with Him. If you will like to surrender your life to Him now as your LORD and SAVIOUR, say this prayer NOW ; Heavenly Father, I believe that your Son, Jesus Christ died and rose from the dead so that the world might be saved from the claws of sin, I ask for the forgiveness of my sins today, have mercy on me, I ask for cleansing by the blood of Jesus and surrender my life totally to you in Jesus Name. Amen

If you say that prayer, you are now a child of God and belong to His family. Welcome to the Family

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