Freedom From Religion Foundation in 'winning' ends up loosing

In Smiths Station AL at the opening football game the school allowed the students to lead a prayer over the PA system before the football games. A parent got the Freedom From Religion Foundation involved who wrote a letter to the Lee County School District threatening litigation if it continued and citing several federal court hearings to prove that they would win the case if brought to court. The Lee County School District had no choice but to tell it's schools to no longer allow the prayer.

In response the students asked the community to join them in a "moment of silence" before the football game between Smiths Station and Central on Friday night. The result? ALL THE PARENTS AND STUDENTS FROM BOTH TEAMS RECITED THE LORDS PRAYER DURING THE MOMENT OF SILENCE!

I live in Lee County and I think what the Freedom From Religion Foundation fails to understand is not only is the state of AL majority Christian but we kind of don't like outsiders coming in and telling us what we can and can't do! It's the DON'T TREAD ON ME mentality! I'd imagine you're going to see this tradition catch on with other school districts across the state in the coming few weeks and who knows, maybe through this case the Freedom From Religion Foundation has helped establish a tradition of fan lead prayer before football games indefinitely.

If you'd like to see people reciting the Lords Prayer see the WRBL news article in video below.

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