IMG_20180223_181632.jpg Hi guys :) i want you to share my fellowship together with this Young people , every friday we have a youth activity the theme is christian courtship😍 we learn from our pastor that someday when we court someone , we must ask our self that are you MENTALLY MATURE,SPIRITUALLYMATURE AND EMOTIONALLY MATURE becuase thats the three things qualification and the sign that we are ready to comein on relationship.IMG_20180223_200706.jpg im so glad that theyre so many young people joining in this event, becuase i know this generation will be the one will change the society through hearing the WORD OF GOD we organize this event because we want to change our community, because this generation there so many victim of drugs, teenage pregnancy,vices amd etc that have bad affect. And i know this event will not be useless because God has purpose of this young people.IMG_20180223_204957.jpg this picture are my bible study contact, i invite them this event ,im happy that to hear they are enjoy in event. And i hope more young people will enjoy , change , and also To be Save . Thank guys , for visiting i hope you enjoy and learn


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