

1Cor 3:13 “Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is.”

  • For every set course there is a way in which things must be done, even in the gospel there is a way in which one must build upon the foundation of Christ. When we minister to the lives of those that follow us we do it with the mind that God will put our work to the test, so we are careful how we build.

*As a child of God what you speak is not as important as how you speak it, sometimes people focus on what they say, that seems to carry the impression of edification to the hearers but yet carries contention and scorn. God will put every man’s work to the fire and that which will stand is what will have ministered life to the hearers because it carried truth on the inside.

Therefore the spirit in which anything is done in life is more important than what has actually been done. It is important that whatever a man does in life is done after love because love never fails and love cannot carry the spirit of falsehood, you cannot love and miss the mark.

Everything done in love whether it is ministry, work or alms will minister truth to the receiver because the spirit of falsehood cannot operate where there is love.

Prophetic Declarations

  • “Lord Jesus let your word work in me to change me. May my ministry and life carry truth on the inside, I pray for everyone around me to be true, that the spirit of falsehood will not destroy what they have labored for. Amen”
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