Bilingual Bible Verses Spanish and English - Versiculos de la Biblia - Soulful Sunday by A Panama Mama

We attend a bilingual church in our small town. It is always interesting to me to hear Bible verses quoted in English and Spanish.
Asistimos a una iglesia bilingue en nuestra ciudad. Para mi, siempre es interesante oir los versiculos de la Biblia en ingles y espanol.


I received this Bible years ago from my family before I moved to Mexico to do mission work. Now it has a lot of damage, but it's my favorite. It has many verses marked from the times I have read it.
Recibi esta Biblia hace muchos anos de mi familia antes de sali por Mexico para hacer trabajo missionera. Ahora tiene muchos danos, pero es mi favorita. Muchos de los versiculos estan marcados de los tiempos que he leidola.

In my Bilingual Bible, the verses in Spanish are on the left and the verses in English are on the right.
En mi Biblia bilingue, los versiculos en espanol estan a la izquierda, y los versiculos en ingles estan a la derecha.


Ephesians 4:20-21 - Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in all the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen!

Efesios 4:20-21 - Y a Aquel que es poderoso para hacer todas las cosas mucho mas abundantemente de lo que pedimos o entendemos, segun el poder que actua en nosotros, a el sea Gloria en la iglesia en Cristo Jesus por todas las edades, por los siglos de los siglos. Amen.

Here is my all time favorite Spanish Christian song. Take a few minutes to listen to it!
Esta es mi cancion favorita Cristiana. Escuchala.


Soulful Sunday will be brought to you here every Sunday by A Panama Mama.
Check back each week for quotes, poems, songs and verses to jump start your week.
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Thanks for visiting! Have a God blessed day!


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