A thought to muse over


Shortly after the Big Bang, nucleosynthesis commenced with the formation of other elements.

So just after it started, H or H1 was formed, around the first minute.

In that first minute no element had previously existed. Hydrogen, the first thing produced, had never existed before.

So for one minute nothing we know existed.

We also know that for things to exist in a physical universe they need to follow the laws of physics.

Thus for hydrogen to exist it must follow a law of physics that allows it to exist.

The problem being that for an element to come into being and follow a rule or law to allow itself to exist requires one of two things.

A. Given the law pre exists the existence there must be a design at work. A design requires a designer.


B. Hydrogen is intelligent or has the attributes of intelligence and designed itself.

There is a third option which requires faith in something that can never be proved or disproved. An example would be a parallel universe or an eternal recycling which means we have an example of eternity despite having no other evidence for it.

The most likely explanation is A. That there is a design at work, which requires a designer.

Interestingly the bible states that God spoke everything into being from nothing. Known as creation ex nihlo this directly agrees with the Big Bang. Everything, including time and space coming into being from nothing.

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