1. You daily ask God for forgiveness for your wrongs, but refuse to offer forgiveness to your neighbour that wronged you just once.
    God is just watching you on 9D!

  2. When you sin and then sincerely ask God for forgiveness, He forgives immediately.
    After God has forgiven you, He does not wake you up each morning reminding you of the sin He has forgiven you of (so that you won't do it again).
    No! Rather He bathes you with His love.
    Do ye likewise to your neighbour!
    Stop reminding people of the wrong you claim to have forgiven them of.

  3. If God forgives you the way you forgive others, would you still be here?

  4. Unforgiveness is a poison that kills... first the 'unforgiver', then probably the 'unforgiven'.
    Unforgiveness is like taking poison and expecting your neighbour to die.

  5. If you are a believer (one that have received forgiveness in Christ Jesus) but still does not forgive others, you're simply an ingrate.

  6. The way you throw away the trash in the trashcan without destroying (or throwing away) the trashcan, that's the same way you ought to help people dispose the trash in them without destroying them.

  7. The love of God rooted in a heart is what gives that heart the power to forgive.
    Therefore the extent to which you forgive is a pointer to the extent to which the love of God has taken hold of your heart.

  8. Christ-like forgiveness is independent of the object; it forgives WHOEVER.

  9. Any man that doesn't seek reconciliation with his neighbour is not worthy to bring any offering to God!
    His offering is unacceptable. (Matthew 5:23-24)
    Unforgiveness is that bad.

  10. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven (left, remitted, and let go of the debts, and have given up resentment against) our debtors. (Matthew 6:12 AMP)


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