Church Encourage corruption in Nigeria

The holy Bible said seek God first and his righteousness and very other things shall be add unto thee, In our today church seek Money first, not righteousness , very Sunday so call men of God stand on the alter and preach prosperity, telling member they will get miracle alert from the bank, encourage member to go and rob from their various office, No one care how you made the money, If you done use your personal car to church no body will recognize you in the church because you are poor, If you absent from church for many Sunday no member will ask after you either will the pastor call to fine out why you are not in church, no body care about you because you are not using big car, But if that brother who uses that big jeep to church and he absent from church one Sunday different member will call he, and said brother we did not see you in church today what happen sir? i hope all is well, the church missed you sir, we will come to your house to see you see sir, this is not because of the man, is because of his money, If that brother who is trying to practice righteousness see the humiliation in the church, he will stand out and said i done care how this money will come but i will do very thing human possible to ensure i made this money, without thinking twice he might go extra length to made this money by all course, with out seeking God First, you can see the roll of church encouraging corruption, church suppose to be a body of Christ, people who see very thing about this life to be not, i pray the Almighty God will extend his grace over man kind. please as a good christian let your focus be in heaven, After here on earth were will you goIMG-20160915-WA0004.jpg to?

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