Did you ever think God isnt ready to give you every good thing..
The problem is we sometimes limit God! We think for Him forgetting we are only thinking with our humanly minds. THE Bible said There is NOTHING too Hard for GOD, and not "There are some things that arent too hard for God".

We are affected by the world (environments, struggles, perceptions, ideas ) and this tends to affect the way we embrace certain things.

For example, a student who studied pure maths for a whole year, goes to the exam hall only to find out the question on the question paper is "1 + 1" . Can you put your self in his shoes ? What will you do? Will you just right '2' or sit for hours trying to analyse the question. You will probably wonder why you will have to study all those calculus , statistics and all for a whole year just to meet such a question, 1+1.then could there be a trick? Is the examiner expecting a proof? Or is he expecting an application of all topics learnt to answer this question?

Good!!! The above is a good example.
1+1 is 2. No two ways about it. A kid will answer this without thinking. And the student in the exam hall will have to do a whole lot of analysis. And that's exactly what most of us do. The Bible says With God all things are possible!(1 + 1) Yet we see how things went wrong in exams and wonder how God's gonna change things .
We see how dismantled the vehicle is and wonder how the passengers will survive , we wonder and question how a 60 years old woman will be able to conceive?...
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And then we continue to live in our struggles.Believing everything must be through our hardwork.
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Well , We limit God . and its funny how we are powerless and yet can't atleast have the slightest faith and believe and trust for the God who made us . The one who is Powerful. Can we be like the kid? Who just says 1+1 is 2 without thinking, and only says "okay" to his daddy when he's promised an aeroplane. Most of us now will ask, "how the hell is Daddy going to get me an aeroplane today?" We can be adults here in the carnal world but when it comes to God we are babies. And the knowledge acquired on earth isnt applicable. That is why he can turn water into wine. Just be the kid and beleive.
To go much deeper, it is faith, seeing the invisible.
I understand it's crazy if it doesn't make sense. But that is because we aren't able to see the invisible...
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I pray this has a positive effect on you reading!

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