Pelagianism to Augustianism in simple terms

Simple word pictures to describe the different views of God's grace and salvation. While I've written up the description, I heard this original analogy from Dr. James White of Alpha & Omega Ministries. It's very helpful in understanding this very often confusing subject.


You're in a pit. Using Christ's example, you can climb out of it yourself.


You're in a pit. You can choose to climb out of it, but Christ has to lower the ladder down once you choose to get out of it.


You're in a pit. You're grievously wounded. Christ lowers down the ladder and offers to save you. You can choose whether to allow Christ to save you.

Augustinianism (Calvinism)

You're in a pit. You're dead. Christ lowers the ladder. Jumps in. Raises you out of the pit and brings you back to life. You're dead. You don't resist or reject your salvation.

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